marți, 22 iunie 2010

22 June Front Page of NY Times

the front page
Court Affirms Ban on Aiding Groups Tied to Terror

The Supreme Court rejected a First Amendment challenge to a federal law that bars giving “material support” to terrorist organizations.

Guilty Plea in Times Square Bomb Plot

The defendant in a failed Times Square bombing pleaded guilty in an abrupt end to a terrorism case that extended to Pakistan.

Political Memo
From Run for the White House to a Run Just to Stay in Place

Gone are the days when John McCain drew big crowds as he battled Barack Obama for the presidency. Now he is just trying to keep his job.

Diamond Find Could Lift Zimbabwe, or Bolster Mugabe

New mining has provoked fears that riches will be used to subvert attempts to bring democracy to Zimbabwe and to finance conflicts.

Stores’ Treatment of Shoplifters Tests Rights

Groceries are using the Chinese custom of holding accused shoplifters, then ordering them to pay and posting their photographs.

In Law Schools, Grades Go Up, Just Like That

In the last two years, at least 10 law schools have made their grading systems more lenient to give their students a better chance in a soft job market.

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