Court Affirms Ban on Aiding Groups Tied to Terror
The Supreme Court rejected a First Amendment challenge to a federal law that bars giving “material support” to terrorist organizations.
The Supreme Court rejected a First Amendment challenge to a federal law that bars giving “material support” to terrorist organizations.
The defendant in a failed Times Square bombing pleaded guilty in an abrupt end to a terrorism case that extended to Pakistan.
Gone are the days when John McCain drew big crowds as he battled Barack Obama for the presidency. Now he is just trying to keep his job.
New mining has provoked fears that riches will be used to subvert attempts to bring democracy to Zimbabwe and to finance conflicts.
Groceries are using the Chinese custom of holding accused shoplifters, then ordering them to pay and posting their photographs.
In the last two years, at least 10 law schools have made their grading systems more lenient to give their students a better chance in a soft job market.
Many states, acknowledging that they have promised pensions they cannot afford, are reining in benefits — but only for future hires.
The move could deflect growing international criticism of the country’s fiscal policies.
School districts across the country have struggled to find a balance between instruction in functional skills and academics while providing custodial care.
Now two of the country’s biggest landlords, the mortgage finance companies may wind up costing more than the banking industry rescue.
Night life has returned in Baghdad with a restaurant that is part Beirut, part Dubai, part Miami circa “Scarface.”
Gov. Haley Barbour’s performance could help shift his image from that of an insider party boss to an out-front crisis manager — and possible presidential candidate.
A new measure takes aim at the military in another attempt to pressure Iran over its nuclear program.
Under Proposition 14, traditional primaries will be replaced with open elections. It is a system that supporters hoped would spread to other states.
Interviews with eight North Koreans who recently left their country paint a haunting portrait of desperation and growing political resentment.
Journalists have been turned away from public areas affected by the spill, not only by BP but by law enforcement, the Coast Guard and government officials.
A ruling said that New York City need not release documents on surveillance related to the 2004 Republican National Convention.
General Motors has asked employees to refer to its best-known brand of vehicles as Chevrolets, not Chevys.
Scientists have discovered what they say is the world’s oldest leather shoe.